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11:33 AM | 0 Comments
Adsense Best Revenue Sharing Bookmarking Using Backlinks
It is necessary to learn strategies that will help you leverage the web, one way to do this is to utilize the effective backlinking techniques used with social bookmarking sites and revenue sharing sites. Once you have a list of sites that will drive more traffic to your articles you will want to set up a system that allows you to add content on a daily basis. This is how you can build up an empire of articles that will bring massive amounts of traffic to your webpage for years to come.
Start by looking for new adsense and non-adsense sharing sites each month to use,write them down. Then sign up with a profile it is important to be helpful and valuable in your information. The key is to link related posts together. You also want to be sensitive to what the group of members on the site are interested in knowing more about.
Spend some time getting to know the variety of profiles and contribute useful information that they can share. The whole idea of using social networking sites is to not only market yourself but to engage and connect with like minded individuals who are going through the same challenges and triumphs that you are online.
Here is a list of some of the best adsense revenue bookmarking sites for backlinking to your content on the web.
- blogevolve is a place where bloggers can write about a variety topics of interest and link to a blog
- wisebread is a site of bloggers who help with information on ways to save money in a recession
- blogburner this is a place started by a famous internet marketer who pays you to set up a free blog
- printnpost has a set of FAQ that cover how to earn money and how to post content for money
- xomba lets visitors post bookmarks and articles for a share in adsense revenues
- hubpages has affiliate programs from adsense to amazon to ebay and kontera for writers to earn
- suite 101 is a place for freelance writers who want to earn off their skills and editorial grammer content
- brighthub provides technical and computer type articles and pay through adsense or performance pay
- snipsly lets you write on a variety of topics with shared revenue as you get more traffic to posts
- squidoo has changed over the years, writers can create lens and promote amazon and chikita ads
- associated content pays by how much traffic you can get to your articles
- bukisa is another revenue sharing site that lets you include pictures and informative articles
- yousaytoo lets writers contribute to a charity or earn from adsense and amazon
- infobarrel a writers dream high level of ways to earn from each posts contributed each day
- redgage is a stop that pays to share, comment and add interesting tips to readers
- SheToldMe is a place where writers can bookmark their favorite sites
- Jevitt is community web site that enables people to promote their online content
- Fuelspace is a free advertising websites that pays revenue also
- TipDrop is a place where people can make money and give or receive tips on just about anything
- MyCibb is a Free dofollow social bookmark site. Share your favorite web links and contents
- webanswer here you can share your knowledge and ask questions
- gather is a community of people who share news stories and blog posts
- mylot is a place to connect and share content with a large group of people and a variety of topic areas
It may take some time to actually setup an account with them but it will be useful to start a notebook and write down your goals and how you want to make the experience rich and satisfying to your readers and followers on the social networking tours. It is best to have a really informative profile so people can relate to you and understand what your personal mission statement is.
Doing these tried and tested strategies will help you build your online business and also have a long term relationship with your fellow subscribers. You want to show yourself as a leader and someone that can be looked upon for answers to the many questions that newbies and beginners are going to want to know. If you are contributing content for a particular niche it is important to show that you understand what they want and need.
Its important to keep in mind that signing up for these sites will only benefit you if you plan on being an active contributor the goal is to build relationships over time and so you must be a positive contributing member.
Know your audience, understand who you are speaking to through your content online. Be a resource and a place for people to share and learn from your article or blog posts. Many of these revenue sharing sites will come and go but what must stay constant is your efforts to brand yourself on the web.
11:20 AM | 0 Comments
Adsense Tips: Guide to adsense revenue
Find Niches
Adsense keywords
Keyword: Search with exact match to stay with the real idea of the research for this particular word.
Competition: The choice must be based on words with less competition but is not a simple matter. Should check the page rank of the competition. The real competition comes from sites with more than PR5 or termination .gov or wikipedia. To determine your competition can use a plugin for firefox - SEO for firefox.
Global monthly search: choose keywords with at least 800 searches.
Estimated average CPC: is the amount of money an advertiser pays search engines and other Internet publishers for a single click. Find keywords with low competition but with a good CPC.
11:11 AM | 0 Comments
How to Earn with AdSense
Things You'll Need:- Active website or blog
- Google AdSense account
- Establish a significant internet presence. To qualify for Google AdSense, you must have a significant presence on to the internet, be it a website with significant content or a blog with sufficient posts.
- Setup a Google AdSense account. Go to and select "Business Solutions," then "Earn revenue with AdSense," then "How do I get started," and finally "Apply online." This will take you to a simple application. Enter the required information, including your website's URL, the type of account (Individual or Business) that you wish to establish, and personal information to allow Google to make payments.
- Agree to the Google AdSense policies. Google strictly enforces a number of policies as part of the AdSense program. Read these carefully before agreeing. If you violate any policies, your Google AdSense account can be suspended or cancelled.
- Decide which AdSense capabilities you wish to use. Once your account is established, log back into Google AdSense and select the "AdSense Setup" tab to generate AdSense code. Choose how you will earn revenue, from "AdSense for Content" ads, by placing a Google search box via "AdSense for Search," and/or through AdSense referrals.
- Generate AdSense advertisement code. Select the type of AdSense function that you wish to add to your website or blog. Follow through the wizard, by selecting a type of ad or function, creating a general layout that will match the look of your website or blog, and further customizing AdSense. Once you have selected all of the options, Google will generate code that you can place on your site. Repeat if desired.
- Drive traffic to your website or blog. The more visitors to your site, the more revenues you will generate through AdSense. Engage in marketing efforts that will drive visitors to your site, and continue to create compelling content to keep traffic coming. Because Google allows the same AdSense account to be used for multiple sites, create new websites and blogs, and place AdSense ads on them as well.Manage your AdSense revenues. Periodically, log into Google AdSense and select the "Reports" tab. Monitor the amount of revenues that you are receiving, and pay close attention to any specific types of traffic that are generating significant revenues. Modify your sites on an on-going basis to maximize your AdSense dollars.
5:02 AM | 0 Comments